Animation – Life Insurance in the EU

3D animation

Luxembourg For Finance (LFF), asked us the create a fun and fresh animation about their Life-Insurance industry.


Luxembourg is the leading financial hub for the distribution of cross-border life insurance products in the Eurozone. It has developed extensive expertise in providing customized insurance solutions, for example specialized unit-linked life insurance plans designed for globally mobile clients.

LFF dcontacted mookx to create and produce Luxembourg’s multicultural, multilingual and international oriented financial ecosystem makes it the perfect spot for the cross-border distribution of life insurance products in the European Union and beyond.

The animation evolves around a woman living and working in Luxembourg and traveling Europe. Using a rotating door she navigates to Paris, Berlin and Rome. The locations are visualized by their unique landmark buildings and cultural characteristics.

Our aim was to create a fresh yet professional B2B style, in this case by combining both 2D and 3D animation, we achieved a harmonious blend. Camera angles, framing, characters and their environments are all inspired by a 2D illustration style.

With our small two man team we were responsible for the entire pipeline. From script and design to character development and  3D environments.

For more work


  • mookx


  • Luxembourg For Finance (LFF)


  • art direction, production, charcterdesign, animation, 3d animation